The Titan's Eagle has been one of the most gruelling and challenging experiences to date but easily one of the most rewarding. For an independent group to raise a modest sum of money via crowd funding and produce a period science fiction drama of cinematic quality is an extremely ambitious and, some would say, mad task. But if Cheesemint are anything it's ambitious and mad.
The story details the suffering of Langford, a 17th century English alchemist who finds himself caught in a time loop, forced to live the same six hours over-and-over - but with each regeneration his faculties and health deplete and his time to figure out what is happening to him is rapidly running out.
Shot over the course of a week, The Titan's Eagle features several familiar Cheesemint regulars and new faces, all of whom deliver exceptionally both in front of and behind the camera; as detailed in Adam Gunton's behind-the-scenes documentary, Binding Prometheus.
From the costumes to the cinematography, the props to the performances and the make-up to the music, everything functioned at such a highly professional level that you'd be surprised to hear the project was rife with problems from day one – but it is true testament to the cast and crew that none of these unforeseeable issues interfered with the quality of the final release.
135 backers pledged £4,355 on Kickstarter to bring this film to life. The Titan's Eagle will be released in late 2017.
"How many ages must I ensure this cycling. Is my hair to whiten and my body wither before I escape this coil"
"I am untethered; loosed. And for this I suffer"
"And so do I become
instigator, executioner and saviour"